The Party

Come join our small intimate party with views of the Las Vegas Strip from the Grand Suite at the Stratosphere's Hotel (Place subject to change pending reservations) on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 starting around 7PM.

Party includes light refreshments and drinks, fun and games, slideshow of 40 years of old photos of not only Ron but family and friends. Oh Know! :) An "After Party" is also planned to be held after 11PM for a Midnight Snack for a $2.95 New York Steak & Eggs Breakfast.

The first guests at the door will also receive a souvenir T-Shirt and a souvenir interactive CD-ROM "Digital Sightseeing Las Vegas" which features the collection of photography by Ron himself. Please RSVP NOW in order make arrangements and to get your name printed on the t-shirt.

Click Here to RSVP, or if interested in coming or to request more info!

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